A cleverly done piece of correspondence comes from Lenore in the form of a telegram. It looks like she typed her note, cut it apart and glued it to a standard telegram form. A lot more work than a real telegram or letter.
The next letter is from Lenore. It’s clever but a little hard to read. In summary she talks of seeing the actress Alice Faye and trying to get her autograph. She is going to the movies to see “Yankee Doodle Dandy” and the cost will be $1.10 for adults and 40 cents for children.
Another letter from Lenore with a picture. She mentions seeing the movie Kings Row (1942) with Robert Cummings, Ronald Reagan and Ann Sheridan. It prompted me to add it to the Netflix list.
Another letter arrives from Lenore. She mentions seeing Gone with the Wind 3 times! It was originally released in December 1939 and re-released March 1942.